2015-2016 Real Property Tax Bills in the Mail


WASHINGTON, D.C. – July 23, 2015 – (RealEstateRama) — Tax bills for the more than 740,000 parcels in Clark County are being mailed this week, according to the County Treasurer’s Office.

Taxes for the fiscal year are due on the third Monday in August, but may be paid in four installments if the taxes exceed $100.  The installment due dates for fiscal year 2015-2016 are:

First Installment   Monday, August 17, 2015
Second Installment   Monday, October 5, 2015
Third Installment   Monday, January 4, 2016
Fourth Installment   Monday, March 7, 2016

Any installment may be paid prior to its due date.  In order to avoid a penalty, an installment must be paid no later than 10 days after its due date.

Many taxpayers will receive a Statement of Tax Distribution instead of a tax bill with payment coupons.  This means that a mortgage company has requested the tax bill information for the property.  If unsure whether their mortgage company is supposed to make the property tax payments, taxpayers are encouraged to call their lender to get a clear understanding of who is responsible.

Some property owners may not receive either a tax bill or distribution statement.  This usually happens in cases where the property has recently been purchased, a mortgage has been paid off or refinanced, or the mailing address is incorrect.

The Treasurer’s Office mails tax bills/distribution statements and other important notices to the mailing address on record in the County Assessor’s Office.  Each year a substantial number of these are returned as undeliverable because the property owner hasn’t notified the Assessor’s Office of an error or a new mailing address.  Filing a change of address with the post office, or writing a different address on a check will not result in a mailing address change in the County’s records.

If someone has not received a tax bill or statement by August 3, they should call the Treasurer’s Office at (702) 455-4323 to find out the amount due and request a bill.  Property owners are responsible for paying their taxes on time, whether or not they have received their tax bill.

According to the Treasurer’s Office, the total taxes levied on all secured real property in the county for fiscal year 2015-2016 is just over $1.5 billion.  The taxes collected by the County Treasurer are disbursed monthly to the various governmental entities, including the state, school district, county, cities, libraries and other special districts.

Taxpayers can see which entities they pay taxes to and how much each entity receives by looking at the tax distribution table on their tax bill or statement.  More detailed information on the authority for the specific tax levies can be viewed on the County’s website at the address noted below.

During the fiscal year a taxpayer may check the installment due dates and the amount of taxes due/paid by going to www.ClarkCountyNV.gov/treasurer, or by calling 702-455-4323 and selecting option 2 from the main menu.


Clark County is a dynamic and innovative organization dedicated to providing top-quality service with integrity, respect and accountability.  With jurisdiction over the world-famous Las Vegas Strip and covering an area the size of New Jersey, Clark is the nation’s 13th-largest county and provides extensive regional services to more than 2.1 million citizens and 44 million visitors a year. Included are the nation’s 9th-busiest airport, air quality compliance, social services and the state’s largest public hospital, University Medical Center. The County also provides municipal services that are traditionally provided by cities to almost 930,000 residents in the unincorporated area. Those include fire protection, roads and other public works, parks and recreation, and planning and development.

Contact: Laura Fitzpatrick
Phone: (702) 455-4323
Email: Lbf (at) ClarkCountyNV (dot) gov


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